Dr. Martin Eiblmaier has studied biochemistry and biology. He worked with live animals as Missouri Master Naturalist in the USA, and as biologist of a biological field station in Costa Rica, each time with a focus on biodiversity. Recently he has been teaching biology at a school in Germany and acquired the degree 'Master of Education'. He is participating in the biological monitoring of diurnal butterflies.
Bernd Schwaiger holds a German degree in public administration and is the Administrative Director at the ANL. He worked as a clerk at the district of Upper Bavaria from 1993 onwards. Between 1995 and 2008 he was employed by the District Office Berchtesgadener Land at the Office for Children, Youth and Families as a group leader in the area of "Economic Aid”. Since the end of 2008 he is working as a Administrative Director at the ANL.
Peter Sturm, Biologist and Vice-Director of the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, is scientific coordinator and editor of the publication “Tiere-Live”-Project, the previous project of ELENA. He is Teacher for trainings and workshops in various ecological and economical contexts, focusing on protection of nature and environment. He is responsible for the conception and realization of teacher training courses. He is the former head of the department “biodiversity” at the Bavarian Environment Agency.
Katalin Czippan, teacher, having experience in the field of education for sustainable development from nature camps to policy making, from kindergarten to public officers; experienced project manager and coordinator of national and international programs and projects. Among the others as a member of the Hungarian Society for Environmental Education she analysed case studies collected by the Support network to see what kind of changes were caused in the learning processes by working in partnerships solving “real world” challenges. Based on the analysis she has been a co-author of the book Collaboration and Education for Sustainable Development, 2010. She is a member and European representative of the Commission on Education and Communication at IUCN. Recently she works for ANL as the international coordinator of the ELENA project.
Dr. Wolfram Adelmann, scientist with PH.D. in Biology, was working in different conservation and research projects. Post-doc/ executive engineer within the federal research project: "Strategies for peat land conservation within climate change". As senior scientist at the chair of vegetation science, teaching environmental planning, population biology, geographical information system application, special species knowledge and conservation biology at the Technische Universität München. Actual he is working at the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) as coordinator for research and international cooperation. He is content manager of the ELENA project and supports the financial management.