ELENA Project

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  • Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) +

    The ANL is an education and research institution of the Free State of Bavaria. It was established on the decision of the Bavarian Parliament in
  • Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education +

    Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education was founded in 2005. Its main goal is to introduce the person-centred approach of Carl Rogers to education in order
  • Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 21 Sibiu +

    There are 550 students (boys and girls) learning in our school.There are 42 teachers that work for the benefit of our students. Both the teachers
  • Rottmayr-Gymnasium Laufen +

    Presentation of my organisation: The Rottmayr-Gymnasium in Laufen, Germany, is a high school situated in a rural area close to the Alps near Salzburg. Currently
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