Wolfram Adelmann und Peter Sturm
Das ELENA-Projekt – Lebende Tiere in den Schulen
ELENA project – living animals in European schools
Wolfram Adelmann’s and Peter Sturm article, „Das ELENA-Projekt – Lebende Tiere in den Schulen Europas” were published in ANLIEGEN NATUR. The authors explain that together with project partners from Romania, Hungary and Georgia the Bavarian Academy of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management brings living animals in the lessons of European schools. In ELENA, the follow-up project of „animals live", the experiential learning with living animals will be developed.
Aim is to brief children for the context of the biological diversity and to support them to develop ecologically oriented values. The first successfully established module is the temporary keeping of chicken in school yards.
(Fotos: Wolfram Adelmann)
The collection of methods of MKNE was launched in 1996 and the newsletter reaches the members of the organization (mainly environmental educators) four times a year. It aims to give game descriptions and other ideas for efficient and participant-based teaching, thoughts for the growth of our soul and recipes for the construction of our body. In the first issue of 2015 we presented some of the exercises developed in the ELENA project.
CHM is the portal for Clearing-House Mechanism on biodiversity and as the Elena project is supporting the Education and Awareness of biodiversity conservation it should be recognized for its importance for the fulfilling of political commitments taken by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. In this regard Romania already published the information related to Elena project on the CHM Portal for the country.
În perioada 9-12 octombrie 2014, la Sibiu a avut loc workshop-ul internaţional în cadrul proiectului Comenius centralizat „ELENA – Experiential Learning and Education for Nature Awareness" (ELENA – Învăţare experenţială şi educaţie pentru conştientizarea protejării naturii), care se derulează în judeţul Sibiu, în perioada 2013-2016. Ţările partenere sunt Germania, România, Ungaria şi Georgia ca partener asociat.
Briefing resume: Representatives of Sibiu County School Inspectorate announced the conclusion of a new stage in the Comenius project - ELENA –Experiential learning and education for nature and awareness. The project involves teachers from secondary schools, high schools from Sibiu county and experts from NGOs Milvus Mures county. Initially, they attended training for shaping skills necessary for the introduction of live animals in educational activities, supported by the project. Teachers who received certificates are: Camelia Agarbiceanu, Luminita Barbosa, Mariana Bozdoc, Vasilica Creanga, Marieta Dan ,Corina Dragoman, Ramona Horotan, Mirela Kratochwill, Simona Morariu, Daniela Nicula, Maria Popescu, Daniela Sacarelis, Gabriela Săndulescu, Lucian Tita, Corina Valeanu . They are going to train other teachers in order to organize lessons with live animals in biology classes or extracurricular activities. ELENA project is coordinated at the national level by “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu with Secondary School no. 21 and Sibiu County School Inspectorate as partners.
Original scanned press: Activities with live animals in Sibiu schools